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The global ivory trade effects the elephant populations greatly. The ivory demand corresponds between elephants and ivory. The poaching rates over time have grown enormasly leading to a fall in population size in elephants. Steps are being taken to fix this. As in elephant conservation and catalogues. There have been CITES decisions regarding elephants beginning in 1979. In addition, relevant laws in ivory-producing nations and consuming nations have been taken. The U.S. have appointed laws regarding elephants and ivory, as well as other countries who make legal challenges to these policies.


In conclusion, if it were not for groups of people who care, the elephant population could have completely disappeared. It is very sad, but the good news is that santuaries and organizations all around the world are taking precautions to avoid that. It is more common in places like Africa and Thailand that have elephants there, but the US and others are taking action to fix the issue. This creates a safe and happy environment for elephants to roam in peace once again!