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African elephants are being poached in large numbers. Tens of thousands of elephants are being killed every year for their ivory tusks. China is a huge contributor to this problem for their supply and demand of ivory. Due to a major decline in the elephant population, there was a ban created poachers in 1989 by CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species) to completely ban elephants from being hunted. This allowed some populations to recover, but unfortunately did not clear up the problem completely. The presence of African elephants helps to maintain suitable habitats for many other species. In central African forests, up to 30 percent of tree species may require elephants to help with dispersal and germination. They play a pivotal role in shaping their habitat because of the enormous impact they have on factors ranging from fresh water to forest cover. With elephant population levels so low, extinction could be around the corner. Many people have taken action for change by making sanctuaries for elephants, fundraisers and actually removing the tusks so poachers have no reason to poach.


The growing illegal trade in ivory continues to threaten the survival of elephants all over the world. Especially If we continue down the path we are on, we could potentially lose the elephant species entirely. Although the poaching of elephants is a great problem, there is a lot being done to stop it.My data shows that African elephants being poached is a common concern in today’s society. Many countries around the world are taking action about helping the elephants population to rise.

Here Are My Resources:

Article One

Article Two

Article Three

Article Four